Stone Lion Inn is haunted by three ghosts, a older man who smokes, a young woman, and a child who plays on the third floor. The girl was accidental overdosed with cough syrup. The other two are thought to be from the time when it was a funeral home.
Guthrie Train Station is haunted by two sisters. Their father sold them to the woman who ran the bordello. One of the sisters was buried in the basement around the coal shoot after being beat to death.
Norman, it is rumored that Norman was built on an old Indian burial ground.
Skirven hotel has all kinds of paranormal activity going on inside.
Kitchen Lake is said to home to a evil witch. Her house buried down years ago and you can still see smoke from sometimes at night.
Court House Salina is rumored to have lots of paranormal activity.
Hillside Cemetery has strange goings on .
George Wright School had an old man wondering around and a motorcycle idling outside. However the school building has long since be torn down.
Indian Graveyard has sighting of ghosts walking around. Spooky feeling and feeling of being watched have been reported.
Gilcrease Museum is home to a ghost walking around at night.
Cemetery close to Konawa is know to have priests and monks that walk around during the night.